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Thread: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

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    Join Date
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    HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Btrfs is a new copy on write file system for Linux aimed at implementing advanced features while focusing on fault tolerance, repair and easy administration. Initially developed by Oracle, Btrfs is licensed under the GPL and open for contribution from anyone.

    Linux has a wealth of file systems to choose from, but we are facing a number of challenges with scaling to the large storage subsystems that are becoming common in today's data centers. File systems need to scale in their ability to address and manage large storage, and also in their ability to detect, repair and tolerate errors in the data stored on disk.


    The steps and procedures in this guide have been tested on and work with Ubuntu 9.10 - Karmic Koala, and Ubuntu 10.04 - Lucid Lynx. Any other release is not guaranteed to work at all.

    Please bear in mind that Btrfs is a development file system, as such, you will experience crashes, glitches, and possible loss of data. Do not use it for production use

    OK, I think that has scared away most users. Now for those crazy people who remain. (You Lucid users know who you are).

    Updates for Maverick users:
    • Booting into a Btrfs system no longer requires patching of GRUB. So long as you have a separate partition to boot (recommended format ext2), things are said to go smoothly.
    • As of 2.6.34, Btrfs has a new and enhanced utility tool to control and show statistics of the Btrfs partition. It's usage is not covered in this guide.

    Updates for Natty users:
    • The Ubuntu installer seamlessly allows you to use Btrfs now, and GRUB has full support, meaning it is no longer necessary to have a separate /boot anymore.

    Part 1: Installation
    By and far, the most simplest method is to convert an already existing installation from Ext3/Ext4 to Btrfs. Although an installation from scratch probably produces better behaviour and will give you the option for choosing between how the file system is setup - options you cannot change after creation - ie: raid level.

    Setting up the Base Install
    So, what we do is go through the installation process as normal, and when we reach the Partition stage, select the "Advanced" option to specify manually.

    Separate /boot
    First, we create a /boot partition formatted as an ext2 - this is important if we want to boot the OS!
    500MB in size should be sufficient enough.

    How you go about your business after that doesn't really matter, but you may end up with something like this afterwards.

    Ensure that you make a note of which file system will be mounted as /, as you will need that info when you convert it.

    Post Installation
    The rest is everything as usual, and once the installation is complete, congratulations, the easy bit is done! Select "Continue Testing" so we can now traverse onto the hard bit.

    Firstly, edit the sources so that the universe is included in them. This can be done via "System -> Administration -> Software Sources"

    Reload the sources after closing, and next, open a terminal. Now we can begin on the dirty work.

    Converting Ext4 to Btrfs

    The Physical Conversion
    As my system was installed on /dev/sda5, that is the one I'll be specifying in this guide. If yours is different, change the path as needed.

    In order to convert the file system, we require btrfs-tools to be installed.
    sudo apt-get install btrfs-tools
    The conversion, thankfully, is elementary.
    sudo btrfs-convert /dev/sda5
    The not so elementary bit is reconfiguring the boot process to play nice with the file system.

    First though, we re-mount all file systems as you would expect them to be as if you were booted into it.
    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
    for fs in proc sys dev dev/pts; do sudo mount --bind /$fs /mnt/$fs; done
    Now we chroot into the file system.
    sudo chroot /mnt
    From here on - until we reboot - we will run all commands inside the chroot.

    Update Fstab
    The conversion process creates a new UUID for the partition, as such this requires updating.

    To obtain the new UUID, run:
    blkid /dev/sda5
    Make a note, then edit /etc/fstab
    nano /etc/fstab
    I've highlighted the areas of interest that require changing - don't forget to update the file system type too.
    # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
    UUID=e03cb3cc-8470-4ee6-a18a-b49da45c6f21 /             ext4    error=remount-ro 0      1
    # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
    UUID=4be84d08-94cb-4013-ae0b-ce1d72d96db1 /             btrfs   defaults         0      1
    Hack GRUB2
    At this current time of writing, Grub2's detection method of using stat() cannot detect a Btrfs file system - see here why - so we need to make it so Grub2 detects the it every time you run update-grub.

    As it turns out Grub0.97 can detect it just fine, but if downgrading is out of the question, I've written a nice little patch that backports the old grub detection method.
    All you need to do is install patch, download and setup the correct diversions - so they don't get overwritten if an upgrade were to occur.
    apt-get install patch
    dpkg-divert --local --add /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig
    dpkg-divert --local --add /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib
    Then open the patch for editing
    nano legacy_detection.patch
    and search and replace the two lines specified below in the file as seen highlighted in red, ignoring the rest of the file.
    +++ grub2-1.97~beta4/util/	2009-12-05 21:42:51.908543561 +0000
    +++ grub2-1.97~beta4/util/	2009-12-05 21:42:18.876544591 +0000
    +++ /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig	2009-12-05 21:42:51.908543561 +0000
    +++ /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib	2009-12-05 21:42:18.876544591 +0000
    Once saved, you can apply the patch.
    patch -p0 < legacy_detection.patch
    It may give some feedback to you on "Hunk Succeeded", that is all OK. If it were to say "Hunk Failed", then you'd know that the patch didn't apply as expected.

    Update Initramfs
    Next, we hook btrfs into the boot process. It helps if btrfs-tools is installed first.
    apt-get install btrfs-tools
    Now we start creating our files.

    First, is the hook
    nano /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/btrfs
    Paste in the following contents and save.
    #!/bin/sh -e
    # initramfs hook for btrfs
    if [ "$1" = "prereqs" ]; then
        exit 0
    . /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions
    if [ -x "`which btrfsctl`" ]; then
        copy_exec "`which btrfsctl`" /sbin
    Second are the modules
    nano /usr/share/initramfs-tools/modules.d/btrfs
    Paste in the following contents and save.
    # initramfs modules for btrfs
    Last is the Premount script.
    nano /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount/btrfs
    Paste in the following contents and save.
    #!/bin/sh -e
    # initramfs script for btrfs
    if [ "$1" = "prereqs" ]; then
        exit 0
    modprobe btrfs
    if [ -x /sbin/btrfsctl ]; then
        /sbin/btrfsctl -a 2>/dev/null
    Then make the following files executable.
    chmod +x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-premount/btrfs
    chmod +x /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/btrfs
    And to round up the entire process, rebuild the ramdisk and update grub.
    update-initramfs -u -k all
    Et Voila! We can now reboot our system.

    When you boot up, you can see proof of your new btrfs system as per below!

    Part 2: Usage
    NOTE: If you are running on Karmic
    To use some of the commands in this section, it's recommend that you acquire the latest release.
    And if that isn't enough of an excuse, it's recommended because of the bug fixes too - see here.

    I already have a repository setup for Karmic with the correct packages inside, feel free to add and install via the following method.
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ibuclaw/ppa 
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install btrfs-tools btrfs-kernel-source
    sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
    sudo reboot
    Once rebooted, I recommend running:
    sudo btrfs-vol -b /
    Before doing anything else. What this does, is a balance operation that reads in all of the FS data and metadata and rewrites it across the file system. As such, it may take some time.

    OK, with that done, time to try out some of the cool things you can do.

    Features List

    Incremental backup and Writable snapshots
    Snapshots are integrated into the file system with no extra work done. This means that you don't need to wait around for hours just for an image to be created, the snapshot acts more like a baseline, and changes to the Live System get written elsewhere on the disk whilst the Snapshot stays static.

    To create a snapshot of the root subvolume.
    cd /
    sudo btrfsctl -s snapshot.root /
    ls /snapshot.root
    The first argument is the snapshot name, the second is the subvolume you wish to snapshot. The snapshot is created in the directory you are currently residing in.

    And as an exercise you can try deleting and recovering files on your Desktop.
    To recover, a simple 'cp -a' should do the trick, but rsync would be the better option.
    sudo cp -a /snapshot.root/home/iain/Desktop ~/
    Snapshots are writeable, meaning that you can instead change data in the snapshot without affecting the Live System also.

    This can be useful for example, when you want to have a chroot for compiling, or running certain applications in their own environment.
    sudo chroot /snapshot.root
    If this is not the behaviour you wish to have, then you can chmod the directory to prevent normal users from tampering it.
    sudo chmod 700 /snapshot.root
    Lastly, to delete snapshots:
    sudo btrfsctl -D snapshot.root /
    The first argument is the snapshot name, the second is the path of the directory the snapshot resides in.

    Subvolumes (separate internal file system roots)
    Unlike snapshots, subvolumes are immutable, meaning that once you create one, it can't be removed unless you reformat the volume.
    The best use I've found for subvolumes is to apply finer grain snapshots throughout the file system, rather than one great one for /.

    One example can be the /home directory.
    In recovery mode, this can be implemented with the following:
    cd /
    mv /home /home.old
    btrfsctl -S home /
    Then we set the correct permission for the subvolume (default is 700), and move our data in.
    chmod 755 /home
    mv /home.old/* /home
    rmdir /home.old
    Then to create a snapshot:
    btrfsctl -s snapshot.home /home
    ls /snapshot.home
    Compression and other Mount options
    Wouldn't recommend trying it yet (although I'm pretty certain I saw a speed increase after enabling it), but feel free to add compress to the fstab file.
    UUID=4be84d08-94cb-4013-ae0b-ce1d72d96db1 /             btrfs   defaults,compress 0      1
    And remount using:
    sudo mount -o remount /
    NOTE: The compress option is a type of smart compression, as in it was compress highly compressible files, but back off and blacklist incompressible content.
    Also, please bare in mind the following caveats:
    • If compression for a given set of pages fails to make them smaller, the file is flagged to avoid future compression attempts later. To get around this, there is 'compress_force' - which will force compression, even at horrendous cost to performance (thank-you jdong).
    • The looking up of the actual size of the compressed file is currently unimplemented.
    • With compression enabled, your system may deadlock all IO operations if under heavy read/write duty.

    See here for more supported options:

    Integrated multiple device support
    Another cool feature is the ability to have a file system that spans two, or more partitions or devices.

    If possible, try this nice exercise to see the before and after of the size of /
    df -h /
    sudo mkfs.btrfs /dev/sdb
    sudo btrfs-vol -a /dev/sdb /
    df -h /
    And it should have increased!

    To balance the load between the devices:
    sudo btrfs-vol -b /
    By default, meta data will be mirrored across two devices and file system data will be striped across all of the devices present.

    Removing devices uses the same logic.
    sudo btrfs-vol -r /dev/sdb /
    df -h /
    And notice that the size of / has now shrunk again.
    For a more detailed look into it, see here.

    Offline file system check
    Self explanitory, really.
    sudo btrfsck /dev/sda5
    NOTE: btrfsck is NOT an online checker. IT IS OFFLINE ONLY, contrary to what the documentation said at one point. Running btrfsck online can lead to filesystem corruption! (thank-you for pointing this out jdong).

    Online file system defragmentation
    Lastly, the feature everyone has been waiting for...
    sudo btrfsctl -d /
    The argument being the location of the subvolume you wish to defragment.
    Quite boring, really. There is not even a progress bar.

    For more small hints that I have not included, see the Btrfs wiki at

    Part 3: Common Errors and HowTOs
    Most pitfalls can be avoided if you treat your system as a stable one.
    ie: Set it so your system only scans for Security Updates, and checks once every fortnight.

    udev failing to configure
    If you were to upgrade udev, at all, you will run into this.
    At this point in time, I have no explanation for why this happens, but you will know what it is when you see it:
    udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured.
    udevadm settle is not permitted while udev is unconfigured.
    Gave up waiting for root device.
    If you get this then the only fix is to reinstall udev. Boot into LiveCD, open a terminal and mount all file systems:
    sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
    for fs in proc sys dev dev/pts; do sudo mount --bind /$fs /mnt/$fs; done
    chroot into the file system
    sudo chroot /mnt
    and reinstall.
    aptitude reinstall udev
    update-initramfs -u -k all
    Then reboot, and everything should be resolved again.

    Symlinks missing in /dev
    Again, the cause of this is unknown, but it's effect does crop up from time to time with various applications complaining.

    The workaround is to edit /etc/rc.local
    sudo nano /etc/rc.local
    And put in the following before exit 0
    find /lib/udev/devices -type l -exec cp -a "{}" /dev/ \;

    General Protection faults
    This most likely happens when libraries have mysteriously become corrupt/altered.
    See the below output for when X refused to start at one point:
    [ 1 157.189485] Xorg[2309] general protection ip:4f6e1b sp:bfd1b32c error:0 in[413000+142000]
    The workaround is just to reinstall the affected library, in my case, I ran:
    sudo aptitude reinstall libc6 libc6-i686

    GTK Themes Change After System Update
    Not sure why this happens, but the GConf database goes corrupt sometimes after a big system update.
    This is always rectified by running:
    sudo gconftool-schemas --register-all
    And a logout / login.

    Separate Btrfs /home Subvolume
    I covered the creation of subvolumes in this guide earlier. What I didn't cover was that you can use them similarly to actual partitions.

    Going back on creating a subvolume for /home, You can also go on to create an entry in /etc/fstab for the new subvolume.
    # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
    UUID=4be84d08-94cb-4013-ae0b-ce1d72d96db1 /             btrfs   defaults         0      1
    # /home
    UUID=4be84d08-94cb-4013-ae0b-ce1d72d96db1 /home         btrfs   defaults,subvol=home 0      1
    And it will be mounted as a separate partition every time on boot.

    This is useful for when, say, you need to boot into a recovery snapshot that doesn't include /home or some other need partition directories.

    As I type this, I am sitting at a workstation with a Btrfs / installation of Ubuntu, compromised of two 250GB hard drives with the file system spanning across both in a RAID0 style format. As I never use this workstation often, I downloaded about 20GBs worth of native Linux games just for the odd occasions where I require some action to stimulate myself back into focus.

    An interesting idea I conjured up whilst writing this (but haven't gotten round to testing yet), is that it may be possible to have separate installations of Linux inside their own snapshots/subvolumes.

    Which is cool - not quite amazing yet, but cool. I have always find an enjoyment in using fringe and bleeding edge technology, it's like looking at a mirror which reflects back a vision of the world some time in the future. Using Btrfs over the past 3 months has convinced me enough to convert all my workstations to it - with the exception of my Netbook. I kind of see Ext4 as just another file system to get by on, whereas Btrfs is a tool to get work done on. And while the occasional fun hiccup occurs, I shall always regard this file system as a glimpse of what is to come...

    Tips and Suggestions welcome.
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    Last edited by ibuclaw; January 10th, 2011 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Thanks for the awesome writeup. I was using a similar setup, but had to downgrade to grub-legacy before, the patch fixed everything for me I'm mainly using it on my laptop with an ssd for the compress option, but on lucid it actually seems faster than ext4 now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Just awesome mate.

    iggykoopa, indeed, btrfs is faster than ext4 with kernel 2.6.33.

    ext4 speed has been decreasing since 2.6.29 in exchange of reliability.
    If you read some wrong expressions or sentences withouth sense or misspelled words in my post, please let me know. Trying to improve my english. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Why do you have to patch grub?

    If I'm correct you have a boot partition in ext2 and grub only sees that one (without any patch).
    On loading Grub will boot the the kernel and initrd from boot partion. After that the kernel will mount your btrfs partition.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Sorry for the noise.

    I found a good explanation here:

    Good article.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Quote Originally Posted by marksquare View Post
    Why do you have to patch grub?

    If I'm correct you have a boot partition in ext2 and grub only sees that one (without any patch).
    On loading Grub will boot the the kernel and initrd from boot partion. After that the kernel will mount your btrfs partition.

    As I also explained in the OP, grub2 uses stat() to determine which /dev/* is the correct one for the path /.
    Since btrfs is more like a block device, rather than an actual filesystem, grub2 fails to stat it correctly.

    Another link to look at is this:


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Cupertino, CA
    Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Nicely written! I've been running btrfs as my root for a couple months now and this guide says everything I'd have to say about doing so.

    Note one very very important correction: btrfsck is NOT an online checker. IT IS OFFLINE ONLY, contrary to what the documentation said at one point. Running btrfsck online can lead to filesystem corruption! (Later git releases of btrfs-tools does include a mounted filesystem check, but in Karmic it does not)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Clearwater, FL, USA
    Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Thanks for the howto! I have a few of questions:

    1. I'm using Karmic, but I updated to the mainline kernel:
      thomas@Aristotle:~$ cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.32-02063207-generic (root@zinc) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)) #02063207 SMP Fri Jan 29 10:09:41 UTC 2010
      Do I still need to do the karmic update step, and if so how would that change?
    2. I'm using luks underneath btrfs. I've got more drives to add, but how will it know it needs to unlock the other drives to open the root partition? It's only unlocking /dev/sda3 during boot, because /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdc2 aren't being used. From the fstab
      /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt / btrfs error=remount-ro,compress 0 1
      it looks like it just needs the one. Also, they all have the same passphrase, so I'd like to unlock them all at once... which mandriva did, but kubuntu doesn't. Ideas?
    3. I made a subvolume for /home, as per your instructions... I've seen elsewhere that subvolumes are put in the fstab. Is that normally needed?
    Last edited by mahasamoot; February 9th, 2010 at 05:59 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    the mount option "error=remount-ro" is useless and boot with 2.6.33 and btrfs fail with this option.

    why do you not rebase your btrfs-tools ppa against version 0.19-8 from lucid? It corrects the path from bin to sbin.

    here is a patch for fsck at boot time, because -a option is missing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: HowTO: Btrfs Root Installation

    Quote Originally Posted by antiram View Post
    the mount option "error=remount-ro" is useless and boot with 2.6.33 and btrfs fail with this option.
    I've never had issue with Karmic, but I guess using "defaults" has no harm.

    Quote Originally Posted by antiram View Post
    why do you not rebase your btrfs-tools ppa against version 0.19-8 from lucid? It corrects the path from bin to sbin.

    here is a patch for fsck at boot time, because -a option is missing.
    I actually did this 12 days ago (looking at the changelog). I guess I never got round to uploading it to the ppa - partly because I have been on holiday for the past fortnight.

    Thanks for that patch too. I'll review it as soon as I get a chance.


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